The history of our company

Our company was started on January 31st in 1989 by Wiesław Janoszek under the name “ZŁOMEX”. In the begging it was just small business activity consisting on trade of steel scrap. As the years went by and activity was growing, in 1995 the company purchased a storage place of significant size from GS Przystajń. With increasing competitors on the market but also a major popularity of the name “ZŁOMEX”, on January 1st 1996, the administration has changed the name to WISTAL Collection and Sale of Recycled Materials.

The October 1999 was the time that let our company start the expansion to international markets, thanks to receiving the Transport License that allowed to carry international road transport. Only a year later, on October 18th 2000, our business activity owned a reserved name, trademark and received Certificate of Protection as well.

The company was still putting effort in rising the quality of the service they offered. The result of that activity was obtaining Certificates of Quality System ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 (September 30th 2003). With accession to Europen Union we expanded out activity for Disassembly of Vehicles Discontinued from Exploatation (September 21st 2007).

The following years were the territorial expansion of WISTAL company. On October 19th 2007, we purchased production hall with an area of 8000 meters in Duszniki-Zdrój. Only a year later, on June 26th 2008, we expanded the number of our units for another hall in Krzepice. With the new, well-prospering units our concern launched new products.


The Managment

WISTAL company is individual entrepreneurship, established by Wiesław Janoszek who also is the only owner of the company.

Jerzy Młyńczyk

+48 34 319 17 90 (wew. 22)

Director of Transportation and Export

Scrap Metal and Przystajń Department Executive

Jadwiga Michalczyk

+48 34 319 17 90 (wew. 25)

Chief accountant

Olga Matyja

+48 34 319 17 90 (wew. 29)

Human Resources Department